
DeFi is short for “decentralized finance,” an umbrella term for a variety of financial applications in cryptocurrency or blockchain geared toward disrupting financial intermediaries. 


  • Disintermediated: People can have direct control over their assets.
  • Non-custodial: Reduces the risks of censorship, dependence on monetary policies or losing money from centralized hacks.
  • Open: DeFi is the first sign of financial hope for unbanked populations.


  • CBDC Stablecoins
  • Payments
  • Accounting

DeFi principles answer true economic constraints

DeFi is a strong adoption case for the blockchain technology, based on economic agents autonomy, inclusivity. Services aim at being swift,  transparent and available 24/7.

  1. Users can access any financial services while technology facilitates inclusion. No constraints linked to identity or situation, no hidden terms other than the ones displayed on the smart-contract.
  2. Individuals are free to innovate and deploy their own services on-chain. A common basis of open-source code for improving and deploying services, limiting market cartelization. 



Lugh is positioned as the first player to issue stable digital assets pegged to the euro in a trust worthy environment. These digital assets will be made available to players in the financial and commercial sectors to enable them to create new and innovative use cases for their customers

Banque de France

The French national bank, Banque de France, is conducting an experiment on the use of blockchains and digital assets.
Easy Wallet

Easy Wallet

Payment software editor Global POS has launched an instant retail payment solution in tez. The solution combines software downloaded on current payment terminals and a mobile wallet application for users.


MoneyTrack is a payment platform for “directed money”.